SAS is an independent consultant & inspector of your scaffolding & structure requirements. SAS can act on your behalf and with your best intentions in mind.

This saving you time, freeing up key staff, increasing build quality, complying with due diligence & legislation requirements. 

SAS provides our clients access to our online SAS System at NO EXTRA COST.

SAS is an independent scaffold consultant & inspection provider throughout NZ.

Please contact SAS directly at: admin@scaffnavigator.com or the allocated Agent for your inspections. Contact details are located on your reports.

Something that does not satisfactorily meet inspection requirements, as set out by SARNZ in the GPG Nov 2016.

A whole scaffold structure can have a “failed” section or portion, providing it has been isolated & all access removed. Physical means to prevent access should also be considered.

Example. You have a 3-lift scaffold structure, on 4 sides of a house and we found that the 2nd lift had “X” amount of missing handrails and kickboards.

The SAS Agents can isolate the entire 2nd Lift by removing the access points via installing Hard Rails over entry points.

This keeps working lift 1 & 3 open until the 2nd lift is remedied.

The Site Management & Scaffold Provider would be notified ASAP of the findings and their own internal process would take over from here.

All scaffolds, regardless of height, that are in use must be inspected Weekly and scaffolds that are set-up but not in use must be inspected Monthly.

Scaffolds must also be inspected after each structural alteration, repair, addition or change of anchorage and after any storm or event that could adversely affect the safety of the scaffold.

GPG Nov 2016 pg. 78 – Table 16. Inspection Frequency.

  • SAS is engaged by a client to conduct scaffold structure inspections.
  • The Scaffold Provider complete the structure and within a 7-day period, SAS conducts its first inspection. (SAS can also conduct Handover Reports upon request, within a 48 Hour period, of completion).
  • After the inspection is complete, a report is generated and automatically emailed via the online SAS System to each registered recipient.
  • Each of the client’s internal controls will take over from here, with SAS being (reasonably) available.

Every structure can differ in size & complexity. Each inspection is time stamped from start to finish. This adds extra confidence that a thorough inspection has been conducted.

NO, Our Qualified Agents will conduct each inspection professionally and in accordance with the sites induction policy.

Whenever you feel that you require another inspection. Be aware, that non-scheduled inspection may come at an extra cost.

Sometimes, we can clear-up any queries with a phone call, email and photo so please feel free to contact your local agent.

YES, any competent person can build & inspect their own scaffold if the topmost component is under 5m high.

If you hold a current C.O.C for Scaffolding NZ, you can inspect all scaffolds relevant to your qualification.

You can contact SAS directly at: admin@scaffnavigator.com and place objection in the subject line, with your detailed message below, or call your local agent.

Scaffolding has a few “Grey areas” so sometimes it can come down to interpretation of the guidelines.

NO, typically a larger scaffold structure is made up of multiple different scaffolds e.g. Working Platforms, Loading Platforms, Access Towers, Birdcages etc…

Each different scaffold can be broken down independently to be inspected on their own.

Access to the SAS System can come at NO EXTRA COST if you have a SAS Agent conducting inspections on your structure.  
Currently, this is the only way to gain access to the SAS System. 

YES, SAS can also assist you with any other scaffolding requirements you may have e.g. Investigation, Methodology, Design, Planning, PPE & Harness Inspections.


The aim is to keep the scaffold structure open as this is the best result for all parties involved.

Where a structure does not meet inspection requirements, a specific section or portion can be isolated & access removed. This keeping most of the structure open & the project moving forward. It will be up to the scaffold provider to reply &/or remedy the faulted area at their earliest convenience.

If a structures integrity is compromised beyond the scope of the SAS Agent & he/she has NO other option, then the Scaffold tags & access will be removed, this closing the structure from use.

The Sites Management & Scaffolding Provider will be informed ASAP of the findings and closure, with their own internal controls taking over.

Communication will be transparent & open with SAS being made (reasonably) available.

Send us an email at: admin@scaffnavigator.com or complete the “Contact US” form and we will get back to with further information & options.

SAS is always keen to meet with other safety conscious people & organisations so please get in contact. 

How-to Videos

How to login and view sites

How to view inspections and access reports

How to request a re-inspection

How to print a company certificate

How to add SAS to iOS

How to add SAS to Android